Thermal Imaging

This easy-to-use infrared thermal camera takes all the mystery out of effective thermal imaging. It includes a touch screen display and audio dictation. Bluetooth communication supports acquisition of data from up to three peripheral devices such as clamp meters and DMMs.

Thermal Imaging

  • Thermal Imaging IR Camera Model 1950

    Cat. #2121.40
    Focus-free 20° x 20° field of view, configurable emissivity table, capability to add narration and external measurement data, report generation software
    The Thermal Imaging IR Camera Model 1950 is equipped with infrared thermography detection technology that has become an indispensable means ensuring safety in industrial production.

  • Thermal Imaging IR Camera Model 1954

    Cat. #2121.41
    Focus-free (28 x 38) ° field of view, configurable emissivity table, capability to add narration and external measurement data, report generation software
    The Thermal Imaging IR Camera Model 1954 is equipped with infrared thermography detection technology that has become an indispensable means ensuring safety in industrial production.

  • Thermal Imaging IR Camera Model 1954 (refurbished)

    Cat. #2121.41
    Focus-free (28 x 38) ° field of view, configurable emissivity table, capability to add narration and external measurement data, report generation software
    The Thermal Imaging IR Camera Model 1954 is equipped with infrared thermography detection technology that has become an indispensable means ensuring safety in industrial production. (refurbished)