AEMC® Instruments rugged, dependable and safe clamp-on meters employ the latest technology, offer the very best quality and are simple to use with a fast delivery of one week (in-stock).
We offer a range of clamp-on meters to meet your need with economical and competitive pricing.
Our clamp-on meters are designed, manufactured and tested to IIEC/EN 61010 and 2-032, 600 V, 1000 V, CAT II, III and IV standards (model dependent).
Users can be sure of working in total safety with 1000 V CAT IV ratings.
AEMC® clamp-on meters feature simple, one-hand operation for measuring AAC, ADC, VAC, resistance, continuity, frequency, TRMS, %THD, CF, peak, and other parameters. They also perform diode checks.
AEMC® Instruments provides complete technical support through our technical hot line 800-945-2362 (ext.351), speak directly to one of our tech support team members. Or e-mail your clamp meter questions to our tech team
We created this all-in-one comparison document to help you select a clamp-on meter for your specific needs.
Mid-Size, Professional Functionality
Cat. #2139.21
TRMS, True InRush®, 1000VAC/DC, 1000AAC /1500ADC
Measures voltage, current, frequency, resistance, frequency, continuity, True InRush®, and temperature. Performs diode checks. Adapter mode allows external sensor inputs to be displayed. Delta relative function allows new measurements to be compared to a reference value. Safety rated at 1000V CAT IV. IP54 rated to withstand dust and water spray.